Embracing HYGGE this winter

Entering my third winter residing in South Lake Tahoe, I am reminded that living at 6,200 feet is not an easy task. Cold days filled with shoveling snow will soon become our everyday life. However, there is something about our little mountain town that is charming, warm and cozy.

I believe this is cultivated by a community that understands there is more to Tahoe than just a weekend ski trip. That is why when I came across the word Hygge, (pronounced hue-guh), I knew this was the perfect way to embrace winter this year!

Hygge comes from the Danish culture and can be roughly translated as meaning cozy. To the Danes, Hygge is much more than a word, it is a feeling, a way of life that encourages happiness through community. Taking time to have a hot cup of tea (or hot coco) with a friend next to the fireplace while wrapped in your favorite scarf or wool socks can get you into the hygge spirit.

The idea of Hygge was created as a way to endure the long cold winters in the mountains. Hygge is a reminder to savor ordinary moments, cutting wood for the next fire, sled rides with friends and drinking hot apple cider while watching the snow fall wrapped in a blanket with loved ones.

As more snow falls and brings more weekend travelers to our town, let’s not be disgruntled by the traffic or “outsiders” as we know they will never be able to experience Tahoe as we do. Through togetherness, we can continue to cultivate much more than a ski town, we can foster a feeling of connectedness, playfulness and simplicity.

I mean that’s why we all ended up here in the first place, right? We wanted to connect more to nature, ourselves and slow things down. As a community that embodies these virtues, join us at Elevate Wellness Center as we embrace Hygge this winter in sharing tea, good food, relaxation and smiles.

— Nicole Vandehurst