Massage therapy can enhance prenatal wellness

Relax as stress is melted away by techniques that conform to the many changes experienced during pregnancy. Lying on her side with the supported cushion system, the mother to-be can rest knowing her and her baby are getting the prenatal care that is needed to ensure a healthy pregnancy, labor and maternal care.



Modern investigation and research has shown that prenatal massage therapy can be an instrumental ingredient in women's prenatal care and should be given careful consideration. Seeking a trained prenatal therapist is important to ensure safety to uterine ligaments and address the specific pregnancy and maternal needs. In this way the prenatal therapist can work with one's midwife or OBGYN to increase overall wellbeing.



Over the past 10 years studies have repeatedly shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when massage therapy is introduced to women's prenatal care.

Furthermore, in a study done by Field (2004), women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks saw a reduction in hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (hormones associated with stress) and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression).

These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight.

The evidence strongly suggests there are maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.

The benefits of massage can improve overall prenatal health for many pregnant women. Incorporated into routine prenatal care as an emotional and physical health supplement, massage therapy is shown to improve pregnancy outcome and maternal health.



At Elevate Wellness we take pride in providing the expecting mothers with prenatal care that is both holistic and researched. As trained prenatal massage therapy specialist, we understand the emotional and physical needs of this special time. With a combined experience of 15 years, we have been providing prenatal massage to expecting mother seeking stress relief to enhance their prenatal care. We look forward to the opportunity to help begin your journey of good health and wellbeing into motherhood.

Nicole Vandehurst
Elevate Wellness Center

Balance can bring a healthier life

Does it just seem like we need more than 24 hours in a day? I often think if I had eight more hours in a day that I could get so much more done. I realize this is an illusion and, in reality, the items on my list are never-ending. But for some reason the cultural message is that we are superhumans. We can do it all, get everything done, and look good while doing it.

I see this illusion in my patients. Many deal with chronic stress. Initially, the stress is addicting. It feels good to have adrenaline coursing through our bodies. Many of us find identity and identify accomplishments by how busy we are.

Unfortunately, there's a downside to this behavior. Chronic stress taxes the endocrine system and creates a constant stream of cortisol, a stress hormone excreted by the adrenal glands. This initially provides strength to get through an emergency situation, but frequent signals to the system can cause a cortisol imbalance leading to weight gain, reproductive issues, insomnia, chronic inflammation and digestive disorders. This can eventually manifest into chronic illnesses such as heart disease, metabolic syndrome, depression, autoimmunity and chronic fatigue.

Keep Tahoe Healthy

For Elevate Wellness Center's owner Melinda Choy, good health is about more than eating your veggies and chugging orange juice when you feel a cold coming on — it's about listening to what your body is telling you and searching for long-lasting lifestyle solutions over treating symptoms.

"We don't have a health culture that's built into our lifestyles; it's more like you take this medicine when you're sick. There is no real concept of how to bring that into your daily life," said Choy, perched on a stool at the "Communi-Tea" area of the center's new location in The Crossing.

New Location / February Special

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We have expanded services and Elevated
products that include the following:

  • Ohana Medicinals Apothecary: a medicinal product line created by our in house herbalist Misty McBride, LMW & Herbalist
  • Chinese Bulk Herbs
  • Medicinal Herbal Tea and Tonic Blends
  • 30 Minute Herbal Consults by Appointment
  • Janine Blanchard, RCST® our fabulous new Craniosacral Therapist
  • Expanded Elevate Farmacy


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Please stop by for a tea or tonic and call soon to book your next
appointment at our beautiful new space at The Crossing. 

2034 Lake Tahoe Blvd. (Next to Bass Shoes)
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

Focus On Women's Health

As a mom, a wife and a working woman, I know how challenging it is to create balance in my busy life. We are inundated by the messages from society to keep doing more and you CAN do it ALL! I don’t find this to be true. I think it’s not about doing it all. I think it’s about making healthy choices for you and your family. Last week I had the honor of speaking at the first Living Earth Symposium hosted by The Woods Apothecary. The title of my talk was “Being Yin in a Yang Society: 8 Lifestyle tips on how to cultivate more Yin in your life.” Women are Yin beings and it’s important to learn how to stay nourished and balanced as we become mothers, as we are in the workforce and how we manage our busy lives in this fast-paced society. Ultimately I think it’s important to honor ourselves as Yin beings, as women. This month's newsletter is all about women. We just so happen to have a clinic full of female providers right now and each one has a talent that is worthy for you to check out. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Fall Is In The Air / Pain Management Info

Burrr!!! I had to search my house for a sweater the other day. Fall is in the air and I can tell from not only the colder mornings and evenings but also that my arthritic knee started to act up while walking down my stairs. In Chinese Medicine, fall is ruled by the Lungs and Large Intestine in the Metal element. The Lungs are in charge of inhalation where we take in the nutrients through our breath and the Large Intestines functions are to let go of toxins and emotions that don't benefit us. Nature is in a state of contraction and the Qi is moving inward as we prepare to slow down and become more quiet to deeply nourish ourselves in the winter. As we slow, different aches and pains can start to show up; especially the cold in our joints that can create that arthritic achy feeling but always seems to feel better when warmed up...

Summer Newsletter

Announcement from Melinda 

Summer is here and we hope you are all enjoying the warmth, long days and energy. We are in the highest point of Yang energy at this time of the year so you should be feeling energetic, productive and at your strongest in your body. Your digestion should be feeling strong and capable of digesting some seasonal raw vegetables and some fruits. If you're not feeling at your best, come on in to address your imbalances as it's important to find your strength now to bring into the fall and winter...

Jessica Cerasoli / New licensed acupuncturist

Q & A with our new licensed acupuncturist, Jessica: 

1) What brings you back to Tahoe?

Where do I start? First and foremost I am a mountain girl. Secondly, I have an opportunity of a lifetime to join the team at Elevate Wellness Center doing what I love and working with a team of practitioners that are vibrant, dynamic, and great at what they do. My excitement level to be back in Tahoe is through the roof! I went for a leisurely jog this week and I found myself overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for Tahoe; its beauty, its stillness in what can feel like a chaotic world and I haven’t even begun to talk about how grateful I am to live close to family again.

2) How will you combine your RN experience with your new acupuncture practice?

Being a nurse is ingrained in who I am. I’m grateful for my experience thus far as an RN and I consider obtaining my masters degree and becoming a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) as an extension of it. The decision to further my education and become a licensed acupuncturist was motivated by my desire to learn more about an integrative medicine approach and to put myself in a position to be able to have more one on one time with patients and their families.

3) Do you have any specialties? 

I have spent a majority of my training and interning focusing on integrative orthopedic sports medicine and thoroughly enjoy it. However, I consider Chinese medicine to be most effective when treating the whole person-mind, body , spirit to address the root and branch- versus isolating one region of the body. I’m most interested in meeting the needs of the community.

4) What's your greatest accomplishment?

My greatest accomplishment is becoming a licensed acupuncturist and a practitioner of Chinese medicine. I have never felt so sure or been so proud about a decision I have made in my life.

5) What's your guilty pleasure?

Frozen yogurt, everything in moderation, right?

6) An interesting fact about you that you want to share?

I secretly would love to be a performer- preferably a singer or dancer. However, I have stagefright.

7) Coffee or tea?

Coffee in the morning, tea any other time.

8) Your next educational goal?

Obtaining my doctorate/Ph.D in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. I am in no rush- My plate is full.

9) Your vision of the future of medicine?

Team work! There are so many different modalities and models of health care-no one size fits all. Times are changing, and I believe as health care providers we are all responsible for keeping up with the times, being adaptable, meeting people where they are at and empowering patients through education about their health and options.

10) One item you'd have on a deserted island?

My djembe drum. I have wanted to spend more time playing it. Speaking of that, I am super excited to hear that Liz Broscoe is still teaching djembe classes!