Rest & Renew Winter Ayurvedic Cleanse
Join us for a Winter Ayurvedic Cleanse this January, with a focus on new beginnings and practices to soothe the mind, body, and spirit as we transition into the new year.
Join us for a Winter Ayurvedic Cleanse this January, with a focus on new beginnings and practices to soothe the mind, body, and spirit as we transition into the new year.
Support your immune system by detoxing and cleansing prior to the colder months setting in, and support your community by building resiliency and strength of body and mind through learning de-stressing and re-connection techniques.
As we move toward fall, it’s an ideal time to start thinking about building immunity & resilience, both through strength of mind and body. Fall is a great time to cleanse and prepare the body for transitioning from summer heat to winter cold.
Support your immune system by detoxing and cleansing prior to the colder months setting in, and support your community by building resiliency and strength of body and mind through learning de-stressing and re-connection techniques.